01 Aug Ambrita Sunshine
Ambrita Sunshine

The Magical of the Women in Ivory Coast & West Africa
In a huge part of the Africa Continent, the secret of the life protection & mysticism is safeguarded and transmitted by generations from women to women.
The Ivory Coast is still considered one of the most powerful countries in west Africa for magic rituals, healing and mystery and still have the Matriarch culture in a big part of the Country.
A lot of amazing stories and practices are still transmitted and practiced.
I spent the last 10 years, and more, to dedicate my research into Esoteric Practices & Ritual Dances in West Africa. It was a wonderful journey into villages, families, stories, practices & university.
During several years I collected and share many practies. Some of these practices are secret , others are open to everybody and ready to be shared.
I deeply believe that the Feminine Energy Power should be protected and shared as much as possible.
In this talk I would to share with you some part of the research done in West Africa, stories and maybe some time will be directed to practice, because I always felt that we need to integrate it.
Ambrita Sunshine is a Bipoc Queer artist & performer, actively working on both Europe and West Africa scene.
Coming through a multidisciplinary path, she trained as a dancer and choreographer creating a fusion between various disciplines that she loves and practiced for a long time, including BDSM, sexual energy awakening practices, tantra, dance, and the use of sound and voice.
She completed various studies in Energy Healing, Esoteric Traditions in West Africa, Dance Rituals & Shamanism.
Ambrita has devoted herself to the research on African movement, specifically regarding the ritual dances of the Ivory Coast, achieving two master’s degrees in “Traditional Dances and Esoteric Rituals of the Ivory Coast & West Africa”.
Moreover, for a long time she has been working on “Feminin* Power Energy” , a project that starts right from the different dances technics related the liberation and rediscovery of body and feminine energies & state of trance.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ambrita.sunshine
IG: Ambritasunshine