Andre Harke

Andre Harke



The Daimonion Paintings are a visual expression of the Saturnian Path. I pursue this path as a part of my individual Initiation within the Geheimes Haus des Saturn, which also is a house in the Order of the Trapezoid in the Temple of Set.

The Saturnian Path for me means individual Initiation into the mysteries of Black Magic, to reflect about its cornerstone concepts, to become aware of and to realize the changes in the way I perceive and understand them in my subjective universe.
For me, visual work is an essential tool in transforming my subjective perception of Initiation into the objective universe. The freedom to ‘come into being’ and to expand the individual awareness, through Initiation, is expressed in my visual art. If the beholder of my paintings becomes aware of this freedom and its potential to arise in everyone, through an individual Will to create, my paintings do not just communicate my Initiation, but would then bring experience of inner freedom and the possibility to change the Self, to the viewer.

These paintings are inner visual reflections and reminders to myself to make my subjective universe understandable to my own consciousness. To bring something into being and make it part of the objective universe in turn gives the opportunity to understand it more fully as only polar parts. By this objective reflection, it is much easier to understand these parts of the Self.

My paintings are closely connected to my personal view of magic concepts that are meaningful to myself. They also are also reflections of my soul, which is inspired by Set and becomes like Set in that process of Initiation.

The Daimonion mean an inner dialog, a silent path the focus the view to the universe within. By looking at the paintings the viewer can experience the inner dialog that is the title and the concept of my paintings: Daimonion – the inner dialog with one’s own Self, from an additional and wider perspective of awareness.
The paintings are reflections and doorways into an individual understanding and experience of fundamental concepts of Setian initiation and offer an insight to a subjective universe shaped by Setian initiation and the individual quintessence of it, so far, which I call the Saturnian Path.

The unique idea of the Daimonion paintings is that it is not just a summary of its paintings, with a collective topic, looked at from different perspectives. It should open a room thus becomes a portal, offering a step into my personal subjective universe and by that, is like an individual Temple of Set. The audience is invited to step into this space, to experience the freedom of Xeper – and then possibly will be drawn to their inner mysteries themselves.

In summary, these paintings offering an unique insight to an inner reality, created and expressed as the Saturnian Path through the Daimonion aimed at Xeper.


André Harke is a Berlin-based visual artist. He was born in Wuppertal, Germany, in 1977.

In 2004,  André started tattooing in Wuppertal and later moved to work in Dortmund, Germany. André then  joined the Temple of Set in March 2007. His first permanent exhibition took place 2008 in the “Q  Dortmund” with aquarelle paintings.

In 2009, first writings emerged in various occult newsletters.  André’s first book “Sinnlicht”, was published in 2010, together with Judith Binias. It contained  both, texts and aquarelle paintings by André.

In March 2012 André was ordained to the  Priesthood of Set, in the Temple of Set. In 2014 he was recognized as a Master in the Esoteric  Order of Beelzebub and in 2017 as a Master in the Order of the Trapezoid. Both are Orders within  the Temple of Set. The second book “. IX . Daimonion” was self-published in 2018 and consists of  texts about the concept of Daimonion (inner voice) in theory and practice, as well as ink drawings  of the Tarot Trumps, under the title of “Runa – Tarot”.

In 2019, André founded the “Geheimes Haus  des Saturn” as an active House in the Order of the Trapezoid and an Element in the Temple of Set.  The first edition of the “Emerald Dawn”, the official newsletter of the Geheimes Haus des Saturn,  appeared in 2021 and was created by André Harke and Thomas Brovelli. 2021 also marks the  publication of the book + Invocation of Set + wherein André presents a large number of past  drawings, along with introductory material and poems.

That book can be ordered internationally  with the ISBN 978-3-7543-4363-0.