14 Sep Charlyne864

Glass walk ritual and Photo Exhibition
Guided by Charlyne864, you will be invited to face your fear.
What is more empowering than feeling your fear and doing it anyway?
As a collective ritual, you will be invited to think of one of your current fears. With it in mind and the desire to overcome it, together with the rest of the participant’s support and energy, you will be guided through a walk on broken glass.
Closing the ritual with a collective scream we will release that fear for ever and be left with a new feeling of empowerment.
Participate at your own risk, take your destiny in your own hand.
The participant number will be limited. Witnesses will be welcome.
Photo exhibition
The photographic work of Charlyne864 is a glimpse in the depth of a ritual.
There were no posing and no adjusting the light, only capturing a faction of a second of someone private ritual, a personal growth through transformation, bleeding to let go, bleeding to attract, bleeding to manifest.
Watching those images, can you feel what they were undergoing? What want to emerge from the death of yourself?
Charlyne864 is not originally a photographer, she is the witch that facilitated those rituals for the person you see in the picture.
She picked up photography to document those rituals. The art as a result is pure honesty, vulnerability, people letting out their deepest shadow and facing them.
Charlyne864 started her journey in 2010 when she did her first hook suspension in London. She soon became a facilitator herself, and through this path focused more and more on the spiritual aspect of this practice.
In Berlin now since 2013, she deepened her knowledge in rituals, witchcraft, and mental heath education.
She is now a full time occult practitioner and available to facilitate rituals for people who desire guidances through their journey.
The Occult Therapy is her creation that regroup her many practices like hook suspension, rope suspension, bloodletting rituals, shadow work, and numerology readings.
IG @the_occult_therapy