19 Aug Coral Carte
Coral Carte

A Transformational Bodywork Ritual, Accessing the Numinosum
Approaching the numinous is an important step in personal evolution and represents the single most important step in magic.
The numinous represents one’s own truest divine nature. Connection with the divine is achieved by communication with the numinous unconscious within ourselves.
Crowley called one’s truest divine nature the holy guardian angel and said conscious connection with this represents the attainment of Knowledge and Conversation.
Jung said that the main interest of his work concerned an approach to the numinous and talks about the numinosum as the influence of an invisible presence that causes a peculiar alteration of consciousness.
The experience includes a sense of sublimity, awe, excitement, bliss, rapture, exaltation, entrancement, fascination, attraction and allure.
The numinous is a sense of the holy, of awe and wonder. The ineffable. Something bigger and beyond oneself. The connection with the numinous brings us to a state of joyful transcendence or gnosis where we can make our best magic. It is a state where we go to touch our greatness and come back transformed with joy and a silent knowing.
The body is the conduit for obtaining the connection with this quality. Through the use of rhythmic and ritual movements, aided by music we can allow ourselves to be led to a state of higher sensitivity and consciousness, dissolving our own ego into feeling a part of something bigger.
Music, dance and ritual movements together with the temporary suspension of the use of verbal language allow a decrease in cortical activity, into a state a heightened awareness.
Like shamans traversing layers of reality to enter the spirit world through the use of ritual movements entering into a state of ecstatic trance we progressively decelerate into a state of trance.
During a state of integrative trance, we can connect with the numinous allowing us the feeling that we are participating in the unifying movement of the cosmos.
The session will last for an hour and will begin with very simple movements accompanied by music and rhythm. The movements proposed will become more active before slowing down and taking us into a connection with ourselves. The movements are performed individually and, in a group, and the presence of the group will give us the support to enter into a state where we can access a differently reality.
Born on the shores of the Indian Ocean in South Africa to mixed European parents, I moved to Italy after being awarded a scholarship from the Italian Foreign Ministry. I have a BA with majors in Psychology, English and Dramatic Arts, a postgraduate specialization in Television Production and an MA in Interaction from Domus Academy/University of Wales. Other studies include a TESOL certification, University of Arizona for teaching English, a certification to facilitate Biodanza, an Art Therapy techniques diploma and a Controlled Remote Viewing certification with Lyn Buchanan with Post Advanced Specialization in Med Aps.
I am a certified CRV trainer.
My other areas of study range from to Family Constellations, Psychogeneology, Psychomagic and art.
I have worked as press/publicity stills on set photographer, as an advertising photographic and TV producer, as an English teacher, as a movement and art therapist and as a Remote Viewer.
I am a precog dreamer, diviner, a Priestess of Chaos and a practicing mage.
https://linconscioparla.webnode.page/ (about Remote Viewing, in Italian)