Marc Wilke

Marc Wilke


The Occult Parlour ~  Oracular messages & the Magick of Connection with the Friendly Witch next door

We are all one! Let’s celebrate our entanglement and get you some practical oracular messages! Start the magickal fun!

This 70 minute poetic exploration of the power of human energetic connection combines interactive displays of energy work, audience readings and ritualistic magick with engaging performance art and inspiring moments of experiential poetry.

  • Demonstrations of how magical thinking can affect us PHYSICALLY
  • The connection and synchronisation of all in attendance
  • Transformative visualisations
  • Dynamic group readings
  • Displays of and direct involvement in physical telepathy
  • Light language
  • and much more

You are not an observer. We become co-creators of a beautiful reality that will change your perspective on life.

Prepare your personal questions about yourself, your past, present or future. EVERYONE will have the opportunity to receive an answer!


Marc Wilke – The Friendly Witch next door. For over 10 years he‘s been exploring the occult as a practitioner of western ritual magick, as a private reader & spiritual life coach, as a séance host and facilitator of psychic fun during home parties. With only 22 years his vision is bigger than his age. He wants to show and celebrate the side of occultism that is seldom seen. The fun, the young side. The explorative and charming side. Let’s make it accessible again so that more people can dive deep into its fascinating beauty and appreciate its depth.