14 Sep Marie Lakshmi
Marie Lakshmi

Karmic Astrology Reading
One of the most important things in life is to understand yourself and your place in the world. It is no coincidence that the temple of Apollo in Delphi had the inscription “Gnothi Seauton”: “Know thyself”.
My astrology readings illuminate both your past incarnations and give you a hint about your future trajectory. In particular, we will look at the karmic path of the soul. We will look at ways to release karma and to create the life that you really want.
Each reading is unique and tailored to the individual client.
Growing up between Sweden and India I was able to explore both Eastern and Western mysticism. Part of my family is from Kolkata, so I am particularly connected with Shakti-Godess worship of the Dark Mother Kali. I have lived a substantial part of my life in India and I am a lifelong student of yoga. Additionally, I have a degree in religious studies from Lund University in Sweden.
My many years of experience in astrology readings, but also in hypno-therapy, past-life regression and reiki healing enable me to take a holistic approach. I have offered sessions online and from my studio in Berlin since 2010.