27 Aug Mark Wagner
Mark Wagner
Cymagick is a participatory workshop consisting in the study of vibratory phenomena, Mystical experience and creative expression. Cymagick offers insights into the underlying nature of things and the mesmerising invisible correlations between worlds seen and unseen. it bears profound scientific and metaphysical implications which often provoke strong physical, mental and spiritual effects in the participants who will have the opportunity to use their voice or manipulate frequencies to demonstrate how sound creates form. The seer sees-and-hears and so participants may also bring their own instruments to plug into the Cymagick rig and see the sound! Wagner works with different mediums and will also be presenting Occultum Lapidem a ritual-performance based on the spinning dance and inner Alchemy of the whirling dervish.
Mark Wagner is an artist whose work centres on Mysticism. With a devoted fascination for revealing and sharing the worlds hidden and unseen and exploring the intimate connection between the inner and the outer, Wagner embarked on a creative and mystical journey that encompasses music, sound, movement, dance, ritual, magic, writing and illustration. In 2022 Wagner released S☉N OF THE SUN an album based on the Great Work of Alchemy for which he created two videos that both won awards at the First Hermetic Film Festival. He continues to work extensively with sound, frequencies and vibration creating soundtracks for altered states of consciousness, producing pioneering works using cymatics or sympathetic resonance or his revolutionary invention 33Hz Sonic Orgasm, a device that can trigger an orgasm or raise Kundalini energy using only sound. In late 2023 Wagner will be releasing MYSTICISM, a book compiling some of his notes, sketches and illustrations pertaining to his Mystical studies and revelations. For the Occulture conference Wagner will be presenting Occultum Lapidem a ritual-performance based on the spinning dance and inner Alchemy of the whirling dervish and Cymagick a participatory workshop and exploration of cymatics and vibratory phenomena.