Viviana Druga

Viviana Druga

Viviana Druga

The Return of the Sun Raw Ra

For Occulture 2023 Viviana will show an installation in the outside area of Anomalie Club.

In the Installation The Return of the Sun Raw Ra the artist is invoking the nature spirit of the hay which was ripen dry and golden by the powerful summer sky in a very specific moment of the year when we prepare to enter the Dark Times on the Northern Hemisphere. Guided by the power of the hay entity Raw, we will be allowed to enter the world of magical spirits, being welcomed once again into the cycle of Death and eventually the Rebirth of the Light itself, the divine Sun Raw Ra.


Viviana Druga (* in Transsilvanien, Rumänien) shares an interest in the resurgence of feminine aesthetic and knowledge forms through occult and ritual practices connected to nature sourced by her rural upbringings suffused with pagan culture. She combines a ‘bottom-up’ transformative poetics of lived experience and street politics with tactical aesthetic formalism and explores techniques of representation and reality from performance art to combine collective and individual ritual with transformative politics. (Sam Williams)

Employing materials and visual language from folklore art and occultism, Viviana Druga investigates religious and spiritual rituals through performance and installation art. Which is the contemporary significance of rituals, what potential lies within the act of confessing, of culpability, forgiveness and redemption, outside a patriarchal power structure?

´Viviana Druga is an artist, performer, and ritualista who has been developing her particular style of storytelling through ritualistic practices, ephemeral installations, site-specific works, land art, and performative interventions in public space for the past 20 years. Viviana Druga represents a generation of East European women artists who grew out of the transition between socialist dictatorship and Western capitalism. Her works combine Eastern mysticism, pre-Christian traditions, pop culture, and an eco-feminist approach.´ (Maja Smoszna)